Write an attention-getting cover letter. Learn how to make your phone ring to schedule an interview.
Up to 90% of Employers Ignore Cover Letters
Now don’t panic, that statistic is actually great for you!
As you understand how to write an attention-getting cover letter, you will be ahead of 90% of your competition for the job.
Don’t be misled by the free templates online. They begin: ” I read with interest your job posting for a …” Many applicants use this opening line. Hiring Managers and Recruiters say that 99% of all cover letters are NOT attention-getting, and this is one of the reasons.
Be a part of the 10% that get read. This course shows step-by-step how to do that.
Once you complete this course you will know how to be attention-getting. This skill will put you ahead of virtually everyone who is applying.
You will learn:
- How to research a company
- How most recruiters view cover letters
- The different types of cover letters
- How to show that you and the company have the same values
- Identify the best ways to add bullet points to your cover letter
- Why cover letters crafted using my technique really work
Click the link to learn more about The Six-Second Cover Letter™ Course created and taught by Joel Quass, CEIP, CPRW, in his Teachable course.
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Firstly, get free access to one of the classroom modules. These methods have worked for many job seekers. Be sure that my methods will shorten your job search and get the phone to ring for a face-to-face interview. Writing an attention-getting cover letter course is available for only $19.99.
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