Photo by LOGAN WEAVER | @LGNWVR on UnsplashIn case you are new to my blog, my name is Joel and I live in Charlottesville Virginia. I am a middle-class male, and I have worked since I was 10 years old. My career spans over 50 years in retail management and along with my wife, I have raised 3 remarkable children.Recently, I finally said out loud that I have lived with Major … [Read more...] about Straight Talk About My Journey with Depression
Just Me and My Depression
If I am “cured” of depression, who will be my friend?Boy, that sounds terrible as I read what I just wrote. And there are several things that jump out at me about that statement. First, I know I will never be cured. A broken leg heals, but that is not the same. Researchers are looking for a cure for cancer, healing those who have it. A cure means people will not die from it or … [Read more...] about Just Me and My Depression
I’m a Little Nervous This Morning
Why? I’m still not sure what to say to my new Psychiatrist.And the appointment is less than five hours away. Yes, I have made some notes and collected documents. I have my Aetna Insurance card and my drivers license. In the bathroom, I hung a large cloth bag to collect all my current prescription medication, plus the supplements I am taking.Once again, I have all the relevant … [Read more...] about I’m a Little Nervous This Morning
“Those Thoughts,” Are They My Suicidal Ideation?
I have been afraid to write about this subject.While people who have suicidal ideation will get it, the vast majority of people do not understand this or are afraid to talk about it. For 43+ years, I was afraid of getting anywhere near the subject. It turns out, I have a major depressive disorder, with suicidal ideation.My suicidal thoughts are not an everyday occurrence.But … [Read more...] about “Those Thoughts,” Are They My Suicidal Ideation?
Every Day I Push the Same Rock Up the Same Hill
Some days it is a pebble and the hill is hardly noticeable.Other days, it is a boulder and the hill is more of a mountain, that ascends almost vertically from the valley floor. During these days, my depression is everything. Concealing it and acting to the world like nothing is wrong takes all my energy. And I mean every single ounce of energy I can muster to keep people from … [Read more...] about Every Day I Push the Same Rock Up the Same Hill