I have a therapy appointment this morning.
When the alarm went off, I got up and went into the bathroom to take my medicine. After my psychiatrist appointment last month, he felt the 20 mg. of Prozac was all I needed, and I should see him again next month.
I am still impressed that he actually spent time with me during my appointment. I had expected 5 minutes and we spent 45 together.
Getting back to this morning, usually when I come out of the bathroom, our dog who sleeps on our bed, has found the warm spot where I was sleeping and has her head on my pillow. Today, she was up and at the front door, ready to sniff the yard for last night’s visitors.
Now I am on the porch with my black coffee, thinking about my appointment coming up in the next hour. What will we talk about?
I am going over my list for today:
- Triggers I am experiencing
- Affirmations and how I am using them
- The elephant
I chickened out last session and even though I had a few handwritten bullet points about the elephant in the room, I did not bring it up.
I need to re-order my list:
- The Elephant
- The Elephant
- The Elephant
While I have been brutally honest in what I have written, I am still having trouble sharing this part of my recovery. Or maybe I am having trouble sharing, because I am having trouble facing it.
I will share all the sordid details at some point, but this morning is not the time.
What are you having trouble facing?
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