White House, Senate reach historic $2 trillion stimulus deal amid growing coronavirus fears
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Losing your job because of something you did is one thing.
Having your job taken away because of a global pandemic is much harder to understand. Your responsibilities do not change because you are not bringing home a paycheck. The rent or mortgage is still due on the first of the month. Groceries still need to be purchased; utilities need to be paid.
Feeling noble that you are contributing to the greater good is not real.
Not having a job through no fault of your own is demoralizing. Yet, across the United States, and across the globe, this is happening. Every minute, someone is being laid off in what is couched as the noble effort to save us all from the Corona Virus.
READ MORE: Today I am thinking about who I am writing for
Limiting gatherings to 10 or less, observing social distancing is our main tool for combating the spread of the virus.
The tools Congress is introducing to keep people afloat during this unprecedented period are evolving. The uncertainty has roiled the markets and frustrated the masses. While the public line from our government is a lightning-fast non-partisan agreement, the reality has been a drawn-out, partisan dog fight, with each side feeling they have the best way to help.
“The buzzer is sounding. Oops, we are on the 5-yard line. No wait, it’s the 2-yard line.”
And then the day was done, and no action was taken. But this morning the news is that Congress will reconvene at or around noon today and vote on the package they finally agreed to. And our President is expected to sign it.
So, what can we expect?
The package includes direct checks to the American people. And the extension of unemployment benefits for displaced workers. Then there is Small Business grants and loans, along with bailout money for industries. Behind closed doors, this is no doubt where most of the disagreement was found. Which lobbyist got which Senator to lobby for their company or industry? We will see at noon today.
So, what happens when they “show you the money?”
Will you spend it? Save it? Use it for bills or that new summer outfit or bass boat accessory? I hope those that need it most will benefit from this cash infusion. And having unemployment benefits be retroactive will help. Plus, one article I read stated laid-off workers could get 100% of their lost wages, at least for a while.
Once again, this pandemic is making me view my Major Depressive Disorder as trivial.
There are so many other things to worry about right now. My Peer Support groups have been canceled. On Our Own is reaching out to members by telephone. SMART Recovery meetings are all on-line. SMART has been doing this for years, but they are only doing Zoom meetings now.
As I approach the first anniversary of my new life with MDD, I am grateful to be alive.
But it is taking all the tools I have gathered to help me lead a balanced life these days. As Monty Python said, “No one expects the Spanish Inquisition.” We can only move forward with the tools we have.
READ MORE: All I need is a couple of days off
When they “show me the money,” then I will decide what I will do with it.
Until then, I will control what I can, mainly my attitude towards the events as they unfold. This is a challenging time, but “up from the ashes, grow the roses of success.”(My thanks to Chitty Chitty Bang Bang)
Through this pandemic, I will stay calm, wash my hands, and respect social distancing.
My concealed depression is written under the alias “Depression is not my boss.” I have certifications in SMART Recovery and am a Global Career Development Facilitator.
Last year, I was diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder.
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