I’m just a mess this morning.
So much I want to do, but there is so much I must do. But first, the trash needs to be taken out.
Something finally turned into a science project in the refrigerator and I am the one who must take it outside, empty the contents into the garbage can, then hose out the Tupperware container before bringing it back into the house to go in the dishwasher.
My laptop is taking forever to load a page this morning.
And on top of that, there is a problem with our house line. The headset I bought several years ago, so I can type notes while talking with clients, crashed our landline this morning. No dial tone on any phone in the house. The research into possible service outages (which seem to happen frequently out here in the country) led to a list of possible problems, which led to the headset being broken.
And did I mention the compost bucket on the kitchen counter needed emptying?
READ MORE: If depression is not my boss, then why can’t I take a vacation?
Life at its basic level is a series of chores and obligations to those around you. As I finish one project, three more appear. Heck, if I hadn’t taken out the compost, I wouldn’t have seen that the bird feeders needed filling. Or that the heated birdbath on the back deck needed water.
The forsythia I forced to flower in the house has run its course and needs to go in the brush pile near the edge of the woods. I’ll be back in a minute. Ok, now I am cold. It’s 34 degrees this morning and I really should be building a fire in the woodstove.
But I only have another 45 minutes until I must get ready for work.
I can’t use our shower as my wife has glued a new towel bar for our bathmat to hang, and it must dry 24 hours before getting wet. So, I need to take my towel and head to the guest bathroom at the other end of the house.
When do I get to live, with life getting in the way?
Have you ever had one of those days?
My concealed depression is written under the alias “Depression is not my boss.” I have certifications in SMART Recovery and am a Global Career Development Facilitator.
Last year, I was diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder.
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