There are only 16 more shopping days until Christmas.
Hanukah is right around the corner, Kwanza is rapidly approaching. Yet Covid-19 marches on and wave two is sweeping across the country. As a group, we did not do so well with the staying at home for Thanksgiving idea. And the spike in new cases is bearing that out. Unless you don’t believe in coronavirus, in which case there are a lot of coincidences.
If the whole idea of the holidays is creating anxiety for you, know that you are not alone.
In my email a few days ago, I received this video from SMART Recovery. It speaks to triggers and situations that might create a slip from recovery. Plus, it suggests many easily implemented ideas to avoid triggers. Or distract yourself so that the trigger does not “trigger” a slip.
Here is the video:
For my recovery from a mental health diagnosis, these ideas are tools I will use during the holidays.
Let me know what you think and if these ideas are helpful.
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