Researching stigma as it relates to mental health, I came across Kevin Breel presenting a TED Talk, Confessions of a depressed comic.Paraphrasing Kevin, he said,” “Break a bone, and you get all kinds of sympathy, offers to help, and friends who want to sign your cast. Admit you have depression, and you hear crickets in the background as people shuffle to the back of the room … [Read more...] about What Makes Depression Create Stigma, Unlike a Broken Arm?
Time travel
With Or Without Depression, It’s Never Always Rainbows and Unicorns
I cannot believe depression had me thinking this.Having just gone through a period of four weeks with increasing signs of a relapse, I am relieved that it is over. Well, over for the moment. Not over as in I will never have to go through that again. Yet each time this happens, I want to think it will never happen again.Coming out of the abyss, I see a new world, full of … [Read more...] about With Or Without Depression, It’s Never Always Rainbows and Unicorns
The 10 Things I Just Cannot Do, Part II*
*Update December 7, 2021As I reread my list, I can see where I have made progress and where I still need to work.The reality is I will always need to work on at least one of the 10 unhelpful thinking styles. Living with depression means first acknowledging that I have it. And then quickly I say, “I have depression, depression does not have me.” And most days now, this is true. … [Read more...] about The 10 Things I Just Cannot Do, Part II*
Singing to Music As I Drive Gives Me Too Much Time to Think
I imagine the artists would be flattered to hear I get lost in their music.And in and of itself, that is not a bad thing. But what I have found happening in the past few weeks is a song triggers a memory. The memory is often pleasant, but many times it’s painful.I try to ignore most of these thoughts by singing along.But the memory crowds in and begins to block out the song. … [Read more...] about Singing to Music As I Drive Gives Me Too Much Time to Think
My Psychiatrist Asked Me, “When Is Enough, Enough”?
Last night I had a virtual therapy appointment.I remember my therapist had asked a question and I was responding. It was my side of the story I was relating. Not just the facts or my feelings about it, but I was defending my actions. My decision and why I made it was a source of pride I suppose.My therapist stopped me and said, “I hear rationalization.”He had caught me, and I … [Read more...] about My Psychiatrist Asked Me, “When Is Enough, Enough”?