Many years ago, on Memorial Day, our children would march in the local parade in New Jersey.The weather was always suspect. The kids would be wearing their soccer or band uniforms, or the official attire of whatever club they represented that year. The parade began at 10 AM and would last an hour or so. The fire department always had their engines in the parade. The local … [Read more...] about Today Is Memorial Day in the US
Self Care
I Should Ask Better Questions So I’m Not a Fortune-Teller
In fact, I should be asking questions especially if I am sure of the answer.My recent experiences have led me to believe that taking people at face value is not always helpful. Over the years, I have always initially treated someone the way I would like to be treated. Some people would say I respect you.I expect you to do the right thing until you don’t.Then my perception of … [Read more...] about I Should Ask Better Questions So I’m Not a Fortune-Teller
This Is the Beginning of The Next Chapter in My Life with Depression
Photo by Dariusz Sankowski on UnsplashHow do I know that the next page is a new chapter?Mostly because I am writing this chapter. And I have written every chapter of my life so far. However, many, if not every, chapter has its share of ghostwriters. And for the awards ceremony, depression is nominated for a supporting role. Had I not been genetically pre-disposed to have MDD, I … [Read more...] about This Is the Beginning of The Next Chapter in My Life with Depression
The Sneaky Ways All-or-Nothing Thinking Keeps You Stuck
Photo by Jon Butterworth on UnsplashDo you ever find yourself thinking in absolutes?Believing that you either have to be perfect or not try at all? This all-or-nothing thinking can be a slippery slope to anxiety and self-doubt. It's a vicious cycle that keeps you stuck and prevents you from reaching your full potential. In this article, we'll explore the sneaky ways in which … [Read more...] about The Sneaky Ways All-or-Nothing Thinking Keeps You Stuck
I Took a Self-Care Day and I Don’t Feel Guilty
Photo by Content Pixie on UnsplashThe whole idea of being outside for a self-care day was exciting.And then to get to work on outdoor projects, was for me, the best self-care imaginable. As the day unfolded, I expected that I would think going outside and working on things that needed doing would create a conflict for me.After all, I had indoor projects that needed attention, … [Read more...] about I Took a Self-Care Day and I Don’t Feel Guilty