It was a lazy summer Saturday.
Hot, as you would expect, and humid, as you would prefer it wasn’t. Yet, I had planned out the day to take advantage of the cooler parts. I even had a plan for the hottest part of the day.
In the morning, I worked on my mailbox. All the mailboxes for our road are together. The mail carrier can load them all without having to go across the dam, up the hill and then down our gravel driveway.
The mailbox post had been nailed together. These nailed had rusted and the entire support system was wobbly. I replaced the nails with long wood screws, making the entire post solid again.
Then, in honor of the upcoming 4th of July holiday, I added a flag.
After the mailbox project, I spent some time on the back deck. I made a plate of avocado, almonds, pecans, and carrots and grabbed my water bottle. I spent the next 45 minutes looking at Parker Mountain and watching the birds.
Then it was time to work in the office. The temperature climbed to 94 degrees for a high. I spent two hours writing and working on a client project.
As the day cooled, it was time to stack some firewood.
After all, cold weather is only four months away.
Supper was homemade tacos, complete with black olives and sour cream.
After bringing in the bird feeders (remember I have a bear that will tear them down to eat out of them if I don’t bring them in) I watched one of the Bourne movies.
The day was a welcome, enjoyable, treat.
Not a thought all day about depression, no unhelpful thinking, no automatic thoughts clouding the picture. Just a summer day.
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